The Centre is highly engaged to carry out the goal oriented research in the field of
Molecular Biology since its inception. CAMB, as a renowned scientific research entity
encourages the osmosis of research from Lab into different sectors of the society. It strives
to provide a suitable environment and encourages researchers to work on collaborative research projects to advance knowledge, to propose solutions to some of the major issues
of today and to develop new technologies for the future. A cadre of highly skilled scientists and students are working on different imperative issues in health and agriculture.In academics, CAMB offers B.S, M. Phil and Ph.D degree programs in Applied Molecular Biology and Forensic Science. The contents of these programs have been designedkeeping in view the student background, the current developments in the field and our specific requirements. The curriculum contents will absolutely help in producing next
generation pioneers and well-trained professionals who will be instrumental in establishingand developing this crucial science and technology in Pakistan. In addition to the goal oriented research and academic programs, CAMB is also providing reliable, accurate, rapid and more economical analytical services in the following domains:
storage place for research materials, directors offices, administration and accounts sectionsetc. The CAMB's laboratory block includes Forensic DNA Typing, Molecular Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology, Molecular Genetics, Human Genetic Diseases, Proteomics, Molecular Virology, Molecular Genetics, Human Genetic Diseases, Proteomics, Functional Cancer Genetics & Genomics, DNA Core Facility, Plant Molecular Biology and
Forensic DNA analysis services are being provided to the Law enforcement agencies &Courts in rape, murder, sodomy, dead body identification, bomb blasts, robbery / theft and paternity cases.
PCR based diagnostics services for most prevalent infectious diseases are being provided to the general public at high economical rates. DNA sequencing and genotyping services are being provided to the researchers of different R&D organizations and universities throughout the country